.. scikit-chem documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Wed Aug 3 13:15:33 2016. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. scikit-chem: simple cheminformatics for *Python* ================================================ **scikit-chem** provides a high level, *Pythonic* interface to the rdkit_ library, with wrappers for other popular cheminformatics tools. For a brief introduction to the ideas behind the package, please read the :ref:`introductory notes `. Installation info may be found on the :ref:`installation page `. To get started straight away, try the :ref:`quick start guide `. For a more in depth understanding, check out the :ref:`tutorial ` and the :ref:`API reference `. To read the code, submit feature requests, report a bug or contribute to the project, please visit the projects `github repository`_. .. raw:: html
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.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 introduction whatsnew quickstart installing tutorial api/modules developing .. raw:: html
.. warning:: **scikit-chem** is currently in pre-alpha. The basic API may change between releases as we develop and optimise the library. Please read the :ref:`what's new ` page when updating to stay on top of changes. .. raw:: html
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.. _`Scientific Python Stack`: http://www.scipy.org .. _rdkit: http://www.rdkit.org .. _`github repository`: https://github.com/richlewis42/scikit-chem