What’s New

New features, improvements and bug-fixes by release.

v0.0.7 (ongoing)

This is a minor release in the unstable 0.0.x series, with breaking API changes.

API changes

New features

0187d92: Improvements to the rdkit abstraction views (Mol.atoms, Mol.bonds, {Mol,Atom,Bond}.props).


Bug fixes

v0.0.6 (August 2016)

This is a minor release in the unstable 0.0.x series, with breaking API changes.

Highlights include a refactor of base classes to provide a more consistent and extensible API, the construction of this documentation and incremental improvements to the continuous integration.

API changes

Objects no longer take pandas dataframes as input directly, but instead require molecules to be passed as a Series, with their data as a supplemental series or dataframe (this may be reverted in a patch).

New features

Base classes were established for Transformer, Filter, TransformFilter. Verbosity options were added, allowing progress bars for most objects. Dataset support was added.


Bug fixes