.. _developing: Developing ========== Development occurs on GitHub_. We gladly accept `pull requests`_ ! Development Requirements ------------------------ To start developing features for the package, you will need the core runtime dependencies, shown in :ref:`installing `, in addition to the below: Testing ~~~~~~~ - py.test - pytest-cov - coverage Linting ~~~~~~~ - pylint Documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - sphinx >= 1.4 - sphinx_bootstrap_theme - nbsphinx These are all installable with pip. Continuous Integration ---------------------- Pull requests and commits are automatically built and tested on Travis_. Running the Tests ----------------- Tests may be run locally through `py.test`_. This can be invoked using either ``py.test`` or ``python setup.py test`` in the project root. Command line extensions are not tested by default - these can be tested also, by using the appropriate flag, such as ``python setup.py test --with-chemaxon``. Test Coverage ------------- Test coverage is assessed using ``coverage``. This is run locally as part of the pytest command. It is set up to run as part of the CI, and can be viewed on Scrutinzer_. Test coverage has suffered as features were rapidly developed in response to needs for the author's PhD, and will be improved once the PhD is submitted! Code Quality ------------ scikit-chem** conforms to pep8. PyLint is used to assess code quality locally, and can be run using ``pylint skchem`` from the root of the project. Scrutinzer_ is also set up to run as part of the CI. As with test coverage, code quality has slipped due to time demands, and will be fixed once the PhD is submitted! Documentation ------------- This documentation is built using Sphinx_, and Bootstrap using the Bootswatch Flatly theme. The documentation is hosted on `Github Pages`_. To build the html documentation locally, run ``make html``. To serve it, run ``make livehtml``. .. _GitHub: https://github.com/richlewis42/scikit-chem .. _pull requests: https://github.com/richlewis42/scikit-chem/pulls .. _Github Pages: https://richlewis42.github.io/scikit-chem .. _py.test: http://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/ .. _Scrutinzer: https://scrutinizer-ci.com/g/richlewis42/scikit-chem/ .. _Sphinx: http://www.sphinx-doc.org .. _Travis: https://travis-ci.org/richlewis42/scikit-chem