Source code for skchem.core.atom

#! /usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Rich Lewis <>
# License: 3-clause BSD

## skchem.core.atom

Defining atoms in scikit-chem.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem.rdchem import GetPeriodicTable
from rdkit.Chem.AtomPairs.Utils import NumPiElectrons

from .base import ChemicalObject, PropertyView, ChemicalObjectView
from ..resource import PERIODIC_TABLE

RD_PT = GetPeriodicTable()

[docs]class Atom(Chem.rdchem.Atom, ChemicalObject): """ Object representing an Atom in scikit-chem. """ @property def index(self): """ int: the index of the atom. """ return self.GetIdx() @property def owner(self): """ skchem.Mol: the owning molecule. Warnings: This will seg fault if the atom is created manually. """ from .mol import Mol return Mol.from_super(self.GetOwningMol()) @property def bonds(self): """ tuple<skchem.Bonds>: the bonds to this `Atom`. """ from .bond import Bond # as bond imports atom, have to do it here return tuple(Bond.from_super(bond) for bond in self.GetBonds())
[docs] def neighbours(self): """ tuple<Atom>: the neighbours of the atom. """ return tuple(Atom.from_super(neigh) for neigh in self.GetNeighbors())
@property def symbol(self): """ str: the element symbol of the atom. """ return self.GetSymbol() @property def atomic_number(self): """ int: the atomic number of the atom. """ return self.GetAtomicNum() @property def atomic_mass(self): """ float: the atomic mass of the atom in u. """ return self.GetMass() @property def formal_charge(self): """ int: the formal charge. """ return int(self.GetFormalCharge()) @property def degree(self): """ int: the degree of the atom. """ return self.GetDegree() @property def depleted_degree(self): """ int: the degree of the atom in the h depleted molecular graph. """ return - self.n_instanced_hs @property def full_degree(self): """ int: the full degree of the atom in the h full molecular graph. """ return + self.n_hs @property def valence_degree(self): """ int: the valence degree. $$ \delta_i^v = Z_i^v - h_i $$ Where $ Z_i^v $ is the number of valence electrons and $ h_i $ is the number of hydrogens. """ res = self.n_val_electrons - self.n_hs # this seems drastic... #if self.principal_quantum_number > 2: # res /= self.atomic_number - self.n_val_electrons - 1 return res @property def n_hs(self): """ int: the instanced, implicit and explicit number of hydrogens """ return self.GetTotalNumHs() + self.n_instanced_hs @property def n_implicit_hs(self): """ int: the number of implicit hydrogens. """ return self.GetNumExplicitHs() @property def n_explicit_hs(self): """ int: the number of explicit hydrogens. """ return self.GetNumImplicitHs() @property def n_instanced_hs(self): """ int: The number of instanced hydrogens. """ return sum(a.atomic_number == 1 for a in self.neighbours()) @property def n_total_hs(self): """ int: the total number of hydrogens (according to rdkit). """ return self.GetTotalNumHs() @property def n_val_electrons(self): """ int: the number of valence electrons. """ return RD_PT.GetNOuterElecs(self.atomic_number) @property def n_pi_electrons(self): """ int: the number of pi electrons. """ return NumPiElectrons(self) @property def n_lone_pairs(self): """ int: the number of lone pairs. """ return int(0.5 * (self.n_val_electrons - self.full_degree - self.formal_charge - self.n_pi_electrons)) @property def explicit_valence(self): """ int: the explicit valence. """ return self.GetExplicitValence() @property def implicit_valence(self): """ int: the implicit valence. """ return self.GetImplicitValence() @property def valence(self): """ int: the valence. """ return self.GetTotalValence() @property def hybridization_state(self): """ str: the hybridization state. """ return self.GetHybridization().name @property def chiral_tag(self): """ int: the chiral tag. """ return self.GetChiralTag() @property def cahn_ingold_prelog(self): """ The Cahn Ingold Prelog chirality indicator. """ try: return self.props['_CIPCode'] except KeyError: if self.owner is not None: Chem.FindMolChiralCenters(self.owner) return self.props.get('_CIPCode', None) @property def is_terminal(self): """ bool: whether the atom is terminal. """ return self.depleted_degree == 1 @property def is_aromatic(self): """ bool: whether the atom is aromatic. """ return self.GetIsAromatic() @property def is_in_ring(self): """ bool: whether the atom is in a ring. """ return any(b.is_in_ring for b in self.bonds) @property def van_der_waals_radius(self): """ float: the Van der Waals radius in angstroms. """ return PERIODIC_TABLE.van_der_waals_radius[self.atomic_number] @property def van_der_waals_volume(self): """ float: the van der waals volume in angstroms^3. $\frac{4}{3} \pi r_v^3 $ """ return PERIODIC_TABLE.van_der_waals_volume[self.atomic_number] _cov_dict = { 6: {'SP': 0.60, 'SP2': 0.67, 'SP3': 0.77}, 7: {'SP': 0.55, 'SP2': 0.62, 'SP3': 0.74}, 8: {'SP2': 0.62, 'SP3': 0.74}, 9: {'SP3': 0.72}, 15: {'SP2': 1.00, 'SP3': 1.10}, 16: {'SP2': 0.97, 'SP3': 1.04}, 17: {'SP3': 0.99}, 35: {'SP3': 1.14}, 55: {'SP3': 1.33} } @property def covalent_radius(self): """ float: the covalent radius in angstroms. """ if self.atomic_number in self._cov_dict.keys(): hstate = self.hybridization_state hstate = 'SP3' if hstate == 'UNSPECIFIED' else hstate return self._cov_dict[self.atomic_number][hstate] else: return PERIODIC_TABLE.covalent_radius[self.atomic_number] @property def ionisation_energy(self): """ float: the first ionisation energy in eV. """ return PERIODIC_TABLE.first_ionisation_energy[self.atomic_number] @property def electron_affinity(self): """ float: the first electron affinity in eV. """ return PERIODIC_TABLE.electron_affinity[self.atomic_number] @property def principal_quantum_number(self): """ int: the principle quantum number. """ return np.digitize(self.atomic_number, np.array([1, 3, 11, 19, 37, 55, 87, 121])) @property def polarisability(self): """ float: the atomic polarisability in 10^{-20} m^3. """ return PERIODIC_TABLE.atomic_polarisability[self.atomic_number] @property def pauling_electronegativity(self): """ float: the pauling electronegativity on Pauling scale. """ return PERIODIC_TABLE.pauling_electronegativity[self.atomic_number] @property def sanderson_electronegativity(self): """ float: the sanderson electronegativity on Pauling scale. """ return PERIODIC_TABLE.sanderson_electronegativity[self.atomic_number] @property def kier_hall_electronegativity(self): """ float: the hall-keir electronegativity. """ if self.atomic_number == 1: return -0.2 else: # py2 compat return float(self.valence_degree - self.depleted_degree) / \ (self.principal_quantum_number ** 2) @property def mcgowan_parameter(self): """ float: the mcgowan volume parameter""" return PERIODIC_TABLE.mcgowan_parameter[self.atomic_number] @property def kier_hall_alpha_contrib(self): """ float: the covalent radius in angstroms. """ return self.covalent_radius / 0.77 - 1 # 0.77 is sp3 C @property def intrinsic_state(self): """ float: the intrinsic state of the atom. """ # py2compat return ((2. / self.principal_quantum_number) ** 2 * self.valence_degree + 1) / self.depleted_degree @property def hexcode(self): """ The hexcode to use as a color for the atom. """ return PERIODIC_TABLE.hexcode[self.atomic_number] @property def props(self): """ PropertyView: rdkit properties of the atom. """ if not hasattr(self, '_props'): self._props = PropertyView(self) return PropertyView(self) def __repr__(self): return '<{klass} element="{symbol}" at {address}>'.format( klass=self.__class__.__name__, symbol=self.symbol, address=hex(id(self)) ) def __str__(self): return self.symbol
[docs]class AtomView(ChemicalObjectView): def __getitem__(self, index): res = super(AtomView, self).__getitem__(index) if res is None: if np.abs(index) >= len(self): msg = 'Index {} out of range for molecule with' \ '{} atoms.'.format(index, len(self)) raise IndexError(msg) # index is negative, so adding gives desired indexing from back if index < 0: index += len(self) return Atom.from_super(self.owner.GetAtomWithIdx(index)) else: return res def __len__(self): return self.owner.GetNumAtoms() @property def symbol(self): """ np.array<str>: the symbols of the atoms in view """ return np.array([atom.symbol for atom in self], dtype=(np.str_, 3)) @property def atomic_number(self): """ np.array<int>: the atomic number of the atoms in view """ return np.array([atom.atomic_number for atom in self]) @property def atomic_mass(self): """ np.array<float>: the atomic mass of the atoms in view """ return np.array([atom.atomic_mass for atom in self]) @property def formal_charge(self): """ np.array<int>: the formal charge on the atoms in view """ return np.array([atom.formal_charge for atom in self]) @property def degree(self): """ np.array<int>: the degree of the atoms in view, according to rdkit. """ return np.array([ for atom in self]) @property def depleted_degree(self): """ np.array<int>: the degree of the atoms in the view in the h-depleted molecular graph. """ return np.array([atom.depleted_degree for atom in self]) @property def full_degree(self): """ np.array<int>: the degree of the atoms in the view in the h-filled molecular graph. """ return np.array([atom.full_degree for atom in self]) @property def valence_degree(self): """ np.array<int>: the valence degree of the atoms in the view.""" return np.array([atom.valence_degree for atom in self]) @property def n_hs(self): """ np.array<int>: the number of hydrogens bonded to atoms in view. """ return np.array([atom.n_hs for atom in self]) @property def n_implicit_hs(self): """ np.array<int>: the number of implicit hydrogens bonded to atoms in view, according to rdkit. """ return np.array([atom.n_implicit_hs for atom in self]) @property def n_explicit_hs(self): """ np.array<int>: the number of explicit hydrogens bonded to atoms in view, according to rdkit. """ return np.array([atom.n_explicit_hs for atom in self]) @property def n_instanced_hs(self): """ np.array<int>: the number of instanced hydrogens bonded to atoms in view. In this case, instanced means the number hs explicitly initialized as atoms. """ return np.array([atom.n_instanced_hs for atom in self]) @property def n_total_hs(self): """ np.array<int>: the number of total hydrogens bonded to atoms in view, according to rdkit. """ return np.array([atom.n_total_hs for atom in self]) @property def n_val_electrons(self): """ np.array<int>: the number of valence electrons bonded to atoms in view. """ return np.array([atom.n_val_electrons for atom in self]) @property def n_pi_electrons(self): """ np.array<int>: the number of pi electrons on atoms in view. """ return np.array([atom.n_pi_electrons for atom in self]) @property def n_lone_pairs(self): """ np.array<int>: the number of lone pairs on atoms in view. """ return (0.5 * (self.n_val_electrons - self.full_degree - self.formal_charge - self.n_pi_electrons)).astype(int) @property def explicit_valence(self): """ np.array<int>: the explicit valence of the atoms in view.. """ return np.array([atom.explicit_valence for atom in self]) @property def implicit_valence(self): """ np.array<int>: the explicit valence of the atoms in view. """ return np.array([atom.implicit_valence for atom in self]) @property def valence(self): """ np.array<int>: the valence of the atoms in view. """ return np.array([atom.valence for atom in self]) @property def hybridization_state(self): """ np.array<str>: the hybridization state of the atoms in view. One of 'SP', 'SP2', 'SP3', 'SP3D', 'SP3D2', 'UNSPECIFIED', 'OTHER'""" return np.array([atom.hybridization_state for atom in self]) @property def chiral_tag(self): """ np.array<str>: the chiral tag of the atoms in view. """ return np.array([atom.chiral_tag for atom in self]) @property def cahn_ingold_prelog(self): """ np.array<str>: the CIP string representation of atoms in view. """ return np.array([atom.cahn_ingold_prelog for atom in self], (np.str_, 4)) @property def is_terminal(self): """ np.array<bool>: whether the atoms in the view are terminal. """ return self.depleted_degree == 1 @property def is_aromatic(self): """ np.array<bool>: whether the atoms in the view are aromatic. """ return np.array([atom.is_aromatic for atom in self]) @property def is_in_ring(self): """ np.array<bool>: whether the atoms in the view are in a ring.""" return np.array([atom.is_in_ring for atom in self]) @property def van_der_waals_radius(self): """ np.array<float>: the Van der Waals radius of the atoms in the view. """ return PERIODIC_TABLE.van_der_waals_radius[self.atomic_number].values @property def van_der_waals_volume(self): """ np.array<float>: the Van der Waals volume of the atoms in the view. """ return PERIODIC_TABLE.van_der_waals_volume[self.atomic_number].values @property def covalent_radius(self): """ np.array<float>: the covalent radius of the atoms in the view. """ return np.array([atom.covalent_radius for atom in self]) @property def ionisation_energy(self): """ np.array<float>: the first ionisation energy of the atoms in the view. """ return PERIODIC_TABLE.first_ionisation_energy[ self.atomic_number].values @property def electron_affinity(self): """ np.array<float>: the electron affinity of the atoms in the view. """ return PERIODIC_TABLE.electron_affinity[self.atomic_number].values @property def principal_quantum_number(self): """ np.array<float>: the principal quantum number of the atoms in the view. """ return np.digitize(self.atomic_number, np.array([1, 3, 11, 19, 37, 55, 87, 121])) @property def polarisability(self): """ np.array<float>: the atomic polarisability of the atoms in the view. """ return PERIODIC_TABLE.atomic_polarisability[self.atomic_number].values @property def pauling_electronegativity(self): """ np.array<float>: the pauling electronegativity of the atoms in the view. """ return PERIODIC_TABLE.pauling_electronegativity[ self.atomic_number].values @property def sanderson_electronegativity(self): """ np.array<float>: the sanderson electronegativity of the atoms in the view. """ return PERIODIC_TABLE.sanderson_electronegativity[ self.atomic_number].values @property def kier_hall_electronegativity(self): """ np.array<float>: the hall kier electronegativity of the atoms in the view.""" return np.array([atom.kier_hall_electronegativity for atom in self]) @property def mcgowan_parameter(self): """ np.array<float>: the mcgowan parameter of the atoms in the iew. """ return PERIODIC_TABLE.mcgowan_parameter[self.atomic_number].values @property def kier_hall_alpha_contrib(self): """ np.array<float>: the contribution to the kier hall alpha for each atom in the view. """ return self.covalent_radius / 0.77 - 1 @property def intrinsic_state(self): """ np.ndarray<float>: the intrinsic state of the atoms in the view. """ #py2 compat return ((2. / self.principal_quantum_number).astype(float) ** 2 * self.valence_degree + 1) / self.depleted_degree @property def hexcode(self): """ The hexcode to use as a color for the atoms in the view. """ return PERIODIC_TABLE.hexcode[self.atomic_number].values
[docs] def adjacency_matrix(self, bond_orders=False, force=True): """ The vertex adjacency matrix. Args: bond_orders (bool): Whether to use bond orders. force (bool): Whether to recalculate or used rdkit cached value. Returns: np.array[int] """ return Chem.GetAdjacencyMatrix(self.owner, useBO=bond_orders, force=force)
[docs] def distance_matrix(self, bond_orders=False, force=True): """ The vertex distance matrix. Args: bond_orders (bool): Whether to use bond orders. force (bool): Whether to recalculate or used rdkit cached value. Returns: np.array[int] """ return Chem.GetDistanceMatrix(self.owner, useBO=bond_orders, force=force)
@property def index(self): """ pd.Index: an index for the atoms in the view. """ return pd.RangeIndex(len(self), name='atom_idx')