Source code for skchem.core.conformer

#! /usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Rich Lewis <>
# License: 3-clause BSD

## skchem.core.conformer

Defining conformers in scikit-chem.

import warnings

import rdkit.Chem
from rdkit.Chem.rdDepictor import Compute2DCoords
from rdkit.Chem.rdDistGeom import EmbedMolecule, EmbedMultipleConfs

import numpy as np

from .base import ChemicalObject, ChemicalObjectView

[docs]class Conformer(rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Conformer, ChemicalObject): """ Class representing a Conformer in scikit-chem. """ @property def owner(self): """ skchem.Mol: the owning molecule. """ from .mol import Mol return Mol.from_super(self.GetOwningMol()) @property def positions(self): """ np.ndarray: the atom positions in the conformer. Note: This is a copy of the data, not the data itself. You cannot allocate to a slice of this. """ # cant slice this array sadly. return np.array([self.GetAtomPosition(i) for i in range(len(self))]) @positions.setter def positions(self, val): assert val.shape[0] == len(self), 'Positions must be given only for ' \ 'atoms in the molecule.' assert 1 < val.shape[1] <= 3, 'Positions must be 2 or 3 dimensional.' if val.shape[1] == 2: val = np.hstack((val, np.zeros((len(val), 1)))) self.Set3D(bool((val[:, 2] != 0).any())) return [self.SetAtomPosition(i, v) for i, v in enumerate(val)] @property def centre_of_mass(self): """ np.array: the centre of mass of the comformer. """ atomic_mass = self.owner.atoms.atomic_mass return / atomic_mass.sum() @property def geometric_centre(self): """ np.array: the geometric centre of the conformer. """ return self.positions.mean(axis=0)
[docs] def centre_representation(self, centre_of_mass=True): """ Centre representation to the center of mass. Args: centre_of_mass (bool): Whether to use the masses of atoms to calculate the centre of mass, or just use the mean position coordinate. Returns: Conformer """ if centre_of_mass: self.positions -= self.centre_of_mass else: self.positions -= self.geometric_centre
def _inertia_tensor(self): """ Calculate the inertia tensor. """ mass = self.owner.atoms.atomic_mass pos = self.positions return np.array([[((pos[:, (i % 3) - 1] ** 2 + pos[:, (j % 3) - 2] ** 2 if (i == j) else - pos[:, i] * pos[:, j]) * mass).sum() for i in range(3)] for j in range(3)])
[docs] def align_with_principal_axes(self): """ Align the reference frame with the principal axes of inertia. """ eig_val, eig_vects = np.linalg.eigh(self._inertia_tensor()) self.positions =
[docs] def canonicalize(self): """ Center the reference frame at the centre of mass and """ self.centre_representation(centre_of_mass=True) self.align_with_principal_axes()
@property def id(self): """ The ID of the conformer. """ return self.GetId() @id.setter def id(self, value): warnings.warn('Setting the conformer value directly ' 'may cause issues.', UserWarning) self.SetId(int(value)) @property def is_3d(self): """ bool: whether the conformer is three dimensional. """ return self.Is3D() @is_3d.setter def is_3d(self, val): pos = self.positions pos[:, 2] = 0 self.positions = pos def __len__(self): return self.GetNumAtoms() def __repr__(self): return '<{klass} id="{id}" at {address}>'.format( klass=self.__class__.__name__, id=self.GetId(), address=hex(id(self)))
[docs]class ConformerView(ChemicalObjectView): def __getitem__(self, index): res = super(ConformerView, self).__getitem__(index) if res is None: try: return Conformer.from_super( self.owner.GetConformer(int(index))) except ValueError: raise IndexError( 'Conformer id {} not available (choose one ' 'of {}).'.format(index, tuple( else: return res def __setitem__(self, key, value): assert isinstance(value, Conformer), 'Only `Conformer`s can be added.' assert len(value) == len(self.owner.atoms), \ '`Conformers` must have the same number of atoms as the `Mol`.' self.owner.RemoveConformer(int(key)) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') = key self.owner.AddConformer(value) def __delitem__(self, key): self.owner.RemoveConformer(key) def __iter__(self): return ConformerIterator(self) def __len__(self): return self.owner.GetNumConformers()
[docs] def append(self, value): assert isinstance(value, rdkit.Chem.Conformer) self[max( + 1] = value
[docs] def append_2d(self, **kwargs): """ Append a 2D conformer. """ kwargs['clearConfs'] = False Compute2DCoords(self.owner, **kwargs)
[docs] def append_3d(self, n_conformers=1, **kwargs): """ Append (a) 3D conformer(s), roughly embedded but not optimized. Args: n_conformers (int): The number of conformers to append. Further kwargs are passed to `EmbedMultipleConfs`. """ kwargs.setdefault('numConfs', n_conformers) kwargs['clearConfs'] = False EmbedMultipleConfs(self.owner, **kwargs)
@property def positions(self): return np.array([conformer.positions for conformer in self]) @property def is_3d(self): return np.array([conformer.is_3d for conformer in self]) @property def id(self): return np.array([conf.GetId() for conf in self.owner.GetConformers()])
[docs]class ConformerIterator(object): """ Iterator for chemical object views. """ def __init__(self, view): """ Create an iterator from a chemical object view. """ self.view = view self._ids = self._current = 0 self._high = len(view) def __next__(self): if self._current >= self._high: raise StopIteration else: self._current += 1 return self.view[self._ids[self._current - 1]] # py2 compat next = __next__