Source code for skchem.core.mol

#! /usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Rich Lewis <>
# License: 3-clause BSD

## skchem.core.mol

Defining molecules in scikit-chem.

import copy

import rdkit.Chem
import rdkit.Chem.inchi
from rdkit.Chem import AddHs, RemoveHs
from rdkit.Chem.rdMolDescriptors import CalcMolFormula, CalcExactMolWt

import json

from .atom import AtomView
from .bond import BondView
from .conformer import ConformerView
from .base import ChemicalObject, PropertyView
from ..utils import Suppressor

[docs]class Mol(rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol, ChemicalObject): """Class representing a Molecule in scikit-chem. Mol objects inherit directly from rdkit Mol objects. Therefore, they contain atom and bond information, and may also include properties and atom bookmarks. Example: Constructors are implemented as class methods with the `from_` prefix. >>> import skchem >>> m = skchem.Mol.from_smiles('CC(=O)Cl'); m # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <Mol name="None" formula="C2H3ClO" at ...> This is an rdkit Mol: >>> from rdkit.Chem import Mol as RDKMol >>> isinstance(m, RDKMol) True A name can be given at initialization: >>> m = skchem.Mol.from_smiles('CC(=O)Cl', name='acetyl chloride'); m # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <Mol name="acetyl chloride" formula="C2H3ClO" at ...> >>> 'acetyl chloride' Serializers are implemented as instance methods with the `to_` prefix. >>> m.to_smiles() 'CC(=O)Cl' >>> m.to_inchi() 'InChI=1S/C2H3ClO/c1-2(3)4/h1H3' >>> m.to_inchi_key() 'WETWJCDKMRHUPV-UHFFFAOYSA-N' RDKit properties are accessible through the `props` property: >>> m.SetProp('example_key', 'example_value') # set prop with rdkit directly >>> m.props['example_key'] 'example_value' >>> m.SetIntProp('float_key', 42) # set int prop with rdkit directly >>> m.props['float_key'] 42 They can be set too: >>> m.props['example_set'] = 'set_value' >>> m.GetProp('example_set') # getting with rdkit directly 'set_value' We can export the properties into a dict or a pandas series: >>> m.props.to_series() example_key example_value example_set set_value float_key 42 dtype: object Atoms and bonds are provided in views: >>> m.atoms # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <AtomView values="['C', 'C', 'O', 'Cl']" at ...> >>> m.bonds # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <BondView values="['C-C', 'C=O', 'C-Cl']" at ...> These are iterable: >>> [a.symbol for a in m.atoms] ['C', 'C', 'O', 'Cl'] The view provides shorthands for some attributes to get these: >>> m.atoms.symbol # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array(['C', 'C', 'O', 'Cl'], dtype=...) Atom and bond props can also be set: >>> m.atoms[0].props['atom_key'] = 'atom_value' >>> m.atoms[0].props['atom_key'] 'atom_value' The properties for atoms on the whole molecule can be accessed like so: >>> m.atoms.props # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <MolPropertyView values="{'atom_key': ['atom_value', None, None, None]}" at ...> The properties can be exported as a pandas dataframe >>> m.atoms.props.to_frame() atom_key atom_idx 0 atom_value 1 None 2 None 3 None """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ The default constructor. Note: This will be rarely used, as it can only create an empty molecule. Args: *args: Arguments to be passed to the rdkit Mol constructor. **kwargs: Arguments to be passed to the rdkit Mol constructor. """ super(Mol, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.__two_d = None # set in constructor @property def name(self): """ str: The name of the molecule. Raises: KeyError""" try: return self.GetProp('_Name') except KeyError: return None @name.setter def name(self, value): if value is None: self.ClearProp('_Name') else: self.SetProp('_Name', value) @property def atoms(self): """ List[skchem.Atom]: An iterable over the atoms of the molecule. """ if not hasattr(self, '_atoms'): self._atoms = AtomView(self) return self._atoms @property def bonds(self): """ List[skchem.Bond]: An iterable over the bonds of the molecule. """ if not hasattr(self, '_bonds'): self._bonds = BondView(self) return self._bonds @property def mass(self): """ float: the mass of the molecule. """ return CalcExactMolWt(self) @property def props(self): """ PropertyView: A dictionary of the properties of the molecule. """ if not hasattr(self, '_props'): self._props = PropertyView(self) return self._props @property def conformers(self): """ List[Conformer]: conformers of the molecule. """ if not hasattr(self, '_conformers'): self._conformers = ConformerView(self) return self._conformers
[docs] def to_formula(self): """ str: the chemical formula of the molecule. Raises: RuntimeError""" # formula may be undefined if atoms are uncertainly typed # e.g. if the molecule was initialize through SMARTS try: with Suppressor(): return CalcMolFormula(self) except RuntimeError: raise ValueError('Formula is undefined for {}'.format(self))
[docs] def add_hs(self, inplace=False, add_coords=True, explicit_only=False, only_on_atoms=False): """ Add hydrogens to self. Args: inplace (bool): Whether to add Hs to `Mol`, or return a new `Mol`. add_coords (bool): Whether to set 3D coordinate for added Hs. explicit_only (bool): Whether to add only explicit Hs, or also implicit ones. only_on_atoms (iterable<bool>): An iterable specifying the atoms to add Hs. Returns: skchem.Mol: `Mol` with Hs added. """ if inplace: msg = 'Inplace addition of Hs is not yet supported.' raise NotImplementedError(msg) raw = AddHs(self, addCoords=add_coords, onlyOnAtoms=only_on_atoms, explicitOnly=explicit_only) return self.__class__.from_super(raw)
[docs] def remove_hs(self, inplace=False, sanitize=True, update_explicit=False, implicit_only=False): """ Remove hydrogens from self. Args: inplace (bool): Whether to add Hs to `Mol`, or return a new `Mol`. sanitize (bool): Whether to sanitize after Hs are removed. update_explicit (bool): Whether to update explicit count after the removal. implicit_only (bool): Whether to remove explict and implicit Hs, or Hs only. Returns: skchem.Mol: `Mol` with Hs removed. """ if inplace: msg = 'Inplace removed of Hs is not yet supported.' raise NotImplementedError(msg) raw = RemoveHs(self, implicitOnly=implicit_only, updateExplicitCount=update_explicit, sanitize=sanitize) return self.__class__.from_super(raw)
[docs] def to_dict(self, kind="chemdoodle", conformer_id=-1): """ A dictionary representation of the molecule. Args: kind (str): The type of representation to use. Only `chemdoodle` is currently supported. Returns: dict: dictionary representation of the molecule.""" if kind == "chemdoodle": return self._to_dict_chemdoodle(conformer_id=conformer_id) else: raise NotImplementedError
def _to_dict_chemdoodle(self, conformer_id=-1): """ Chemdoodle dict representation of the molecule. Documentation of the format may be found on the `chemdoodle website \ <>`_""" try: pos = self.conformers[conformer_id].positions except IndexError as e: if conformer_id == -1: # no conformers available, so we generate one with 2d coords, # save the positions, then delete the conf self.conformers.append_2d() pos = self.conformers[0].positions del self.conformers[0] else: raise e atoms = [{'x': p[0], 'y': p[1], 'z': p[2], 'l': s} for s, p in zip(self.atoms.symbol, pos.round(4))] bonds = [b.to_dict() for b in self.bonds] return {"m": [{"a": atoms, "b": bonds}]}
[docs] def to_json(self, kind='chemdoodle'): """ Serialize a molecule using JSON. Args: kind (str): The type of serialization to use. Only `chemdoodle` is currently supported. Returns: str: the json string. """ return json.dumps(self.to_dict(kind=kind))
[docs] def to_inchi_key(self): """ The InChI key of the molecule. Returns: str: the InChI key. Raises: RuntimeError""" if not rdkit.Chem.inchi.INCHI_AVAILABLE: raise ImportError("InChI module not available.") res = rdkit.Chem.InchiToInchiKey(self.to_inchi()) if res is None: raise RuntimeError("An InChI key could not be generated.") return res
[docs] def to_binary(self): """ Serialize the molecule to binary encoding. Returns: bytes: the molecule in bytes. Notes: Due to limitations in RDKit, not all data is serialized. Notably, properties are not, so e.g. compound names are not saved.""" return self.ToBinary()
[docs] def from_binary(cls, binary): """ Decode a molecule from a binary serialization. Args: binary: The bytes string to decode. Returns: skchem.Mol: The molecule encoded in the binary.""" return cls(binary)
[docs] def copy(self): """ Return a copy of the molecule. """ return Mol.from_super(copy.deepcopy(self))
def __repr__(self): try: formula = self.to_formula() except ValueError: # if we can't generate the formula, just say it is unknown formula = 'unknown' return '<{klass} name="{name}" formula="{form}" at {address}>'.format( klass=self.__class__.__name__,, form=formula, address=hex(id(self))) def __contains__(self, item): if isinstance(item, Mol): return self.HasSubstructMatch(item) else: msg = 'No way to check if {} contains {}'.format(self, item) raise NotImplementedError(msg) def __eq__(self, item): if isinstance(item, self.__class__): return (self in item) and (item in self) else: return False def __str__(self): return '<Mol: {}>'.format(self.to_smiles())
[docs]def bind_constructor(constructor_name, name_to_bind=None): """ Bind an (rdkit) constructor to the class """ @classmethod def constructor(_, in_arg, name=None, *args, **kwargs): """ The constructor to be bound. """ m = getattr(rdkit.Chem, 'MolFrom' + constructor_name)(in_arg, *args, **kwargs) if m is None: raise ValueError('Failed to parse molecule, {}'.format(in_arg)) m = Mol.from_super(m) = name return m setattr(Mol, 'from_{}'.format(constructor_name).lower() if name_to_bind is None else name_to_bind, constructor)
[docs]def bind_serializer(serializer_name, name_to_bind=None): """ Bind an (rdkit) serializer to the class """ def serializer(self, *args, **kwargs): """ The serializer to be bound. """ with Suppressor(): return getattr(rdkit.Chem, 'MolTo' + serializer_name)(self, *args, **kwargs) setattr(Mol, 'to_{}'.format(serializer_name).lower() if name_to_bind is None else name_to_bind, serializer)
CONSTRUCTORS = ['Inchi', 'Smiles', 'Mol2Block', 'Mol2File', 'MolBlock', 'MolFile', 'PDBBlock', 'PDBFile', 'Smarts', 'TPLBlock', 'TPLFile'] SERIALIZERS = ['Inchi', 'Smiles', 'MolBlock', 'MolFile', 'PDBBlock', 'Smarts', 'TPLBlock', 'TPLFile'] list(map(bind_constructor, CONSTRUCTORS)) list(map(bind_serializer, SERIALIZERS))