Source code for skchem.filters.base

#! /usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Rich Lewis <>
# License: 3-clause BSD

# skchem.filters

Chemical filters are defined.


import pandas as pd

from ..base import BaseTransformer, Transformer
from .. import core
from ..utils import iterable_to_series, Defaults, optional_second_method

[docs]def not_all(x): """ Not all x """ return not all(x)
[docs]def not_any(x): """ Not any x """ return not any(x)
[docs]def identity(x): """ The identity """ return x
AGGS = Defaults(defaults={ 'none': identity, 'any': any, 'all': all, 'not all': not_all, 'not any': not_any })
[docs]class BaseFilter(BaseTransformer): """ The base Filter class. """ def __init__(self, agg='any', **kwargs): self._agg = None super(BaseFilter, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.agg = agg
[docs] def axes_names(self): return 'batch',
@property def agg(self): """ callable: The aggregate function to use. String aliases for `'any'`, `'not any'`, 'all', `'not all'` are available.""" return self._agg @agg.setter def agg(self, val): self._agg = AGGS.get(val) @property def columns(self): """ pd.Index: The column index to use. """ return pd.Index([self.__class__.__name__]) def _mask(self, mols=None, res=None, neg=False): """ Generate a mask from molecules, or from their result after transform. Args: mols (pd.Series<skchem.Mol>): The molecules to use to generate the mask. res (pd.Series): The result of a transform. Overrides mols. neg (bool): Whether the mask should be inversed. Returns: pd.Series<bool> """ res = self.transform(mols, agg=False) if res is None else res res = (res != 0) & pd.notnull(res) if isinstance(res, pd.Series) and isinstance(mols, core.Mol): res = self.agg(res) if isinstance(res, pd.DataFrame): res = res.apply(self.agg, axis=1) return res == 0 if neg else res @optional_second_method
[docs] def transform(self, mols, agg=True, **kwargs): # transform takes additional optional kwarg `agg`, that specifies to # transform to the aggregated value or return the full series. if agg: return self._mask(mols) else: return super(BaseFilter, self).transform(mols, **kwargs)
[docs] def filter(self, mols, y=None, neg=False): mask = self._mask(mols=mols, neg=neg) if isinstance(mols, core.Mol): return mols if mask else None elif not isinstance(mols, pd.Series): mols = iterable_to_series(mols) if y is None: return mols[mask] else: return mols[mask], y[mask]
[docs]class Filter(BaseFilter, Transformer): """ Filter base class. Examples: >>> import skchem Initialize the filter with a function: >>> is_named = skchem.filters.Filter(lambda m: is not None) Filter results can be found with `transform`: >>> ethane = skchem.Mol.from_smiles('CC', name='ethane') >>> is_named.transform(ethane) True >>> anonymous = skchem.Mol.from_smiles('c1ccccc1') >>> is_named.transform(anonymous) False Can take a series or dataframe: >>> mols = pd.Series({'anonymous': anonymous, 'ethane': ethane}) >>> is_named.transform(mols) anonymous False ethane True Name: Filter, dtype: bool Using `filter` will drop out molecules that fail the test: >>> is_named.filter(mols) ethane <Mol: CC> dtype: object Only failed are retained with the `neg` keyword argument: >>> is_named.filter(mols, neg=True) anonymous <Mol: c1ccccc1> dtype: object """ def __init__(self, func=None, agg='any', n_jobs=1, verbose=True): """ Initialize a `Filter` object. Args: func (function: Mol => bool): The function to use to filter the arguments. agg (str or function: iterable<bool> => bool): The aggregation to use in the filter. Can be 'any', 'all', 'not any', 'not all' or a callable, for example `any` or `all`. """ super(Filter, self).__init__(agg=agg, n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=verbose) if func is not None: self._transform_mol = func def _transform_mol(self, mol): raise NotImplemented
[docs]class TransformFilter(BaseFilter): """ Transform Filter object. Implements `transform_filter`, which allows a transform, then a filter step returning the transformed values that are not `False`, `None` or `np.nan`. """
[docs] def transform_filter(self, mols, y=None, neg=False): res = self.transform(mols) mask = self._mask(res=res, neg=neg) if isinstance(mols, core.Mol): return res if mask else None if y is None: return res[mask] else: return res[mask], y[mask]