Source code for skchem.metrics

#! /usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Rich Lewis <>
# License: 3-clause BSD

import numpy as np

[docs]def bedroc_score(y_true, y_pred, decreasing=True, alpha=20.0): """BEDROC metric implemented according to Truchon and Bayley. The Boltzmann Enhanced Descrimination of the Receiver Operator Characteristic (BEDROC) score is a modification of the Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) score that allows for a factor of *early recognition*. References: The original paper by Truchon et al. is located at `10.1021/ci600426e <>`_. Args: y_true (array_like): Binary class labels. 1 for positive class, 0 otherwise. y_pred (array_like): Prediction values. decreasing (bool): True if high values of ``y_pred`` correlates to positive class. alpha (float): Early recognition parameter. Returns: float: Value in interval [0, 1] indicating degree to which the predictive technique employed detects (early) the positive class. """ assert len(y_true) == len(y_pred), \ 'The number of scores must be equal to the number of labels' big_n = len(y_true) n = sum(y_true == 1) if decreasing: order = np.argsort(-y_pred) else: order = np.argsort(y_pred) m_rank = (y_true[order] == 1).nonzero()[0] s = np.sum(np.exp(-alpha * m_rank / big_n)) r_a = n / big_n rand_sum = r_a * (1 - np.exp(-alpha))/(np.exp(alpha/big_n) - 1) fac = r_a * np.sinh(alpha / 2) / (np.cosh(alpha / 2) - np.cosh(alpha/2 - alpha * r_a)) cte = 1 / (1 - np.exp(alpha * (1 - r_a))) return s * fac / rand_sum + cte